Showing all 5 results

Moheb mehr Hospital

PCNL is One of the most advanced closed surgery methods in the treatment of kidney stones. The presence of advanced equipment and high skill of the surgeon in this method is very important in increasing the success rate of treatment. Iranian urological surgeons are one of the most skilled surgeons in the treatment of kidney stones with PCNL.

(2 customer reviews)

Erfan Hospital

Open prostate surgery is one of the most common surgical methods in the treatment of prostate cancer in men. The skill of the physician and post-treatment care in the hospital is very important in increasing the success rate of this operation. Iranian surgeons are the best choice for international patients.

(2 customer reviews)

Pasteurno Hospital

Lip augmentation is a method of implanting a lip prosthesis to shape and enlarge the lips of women. In this method, the plastic surgeon uses the least invasive method to place the patient’s desired prosthesis inside the lip.

(1 customer review)

Dey Hospital

Liposuction is a traditional way to reduce and eliminate large amounts of excess localized fat in various areas of the body such as the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and sides, arms, below the knees, chest, cheeks, chin and neck, and ankles.
(1 customer review)

Emam Khomeini Hospital

Kidney transplantation is one of the most complex medical surgeries that Iran has long been known as one of the kidney transplant centers in the world. Reasonable price and success rate of over 80% of this operation has made Iran the best treatment destination in the world.

(2 customer reviews)