Dental composite
Everything about dental composite
Beautiful teeth have a very special effect on the face and the beauty of the smile increases the attractiveness of the face to a great extent. Many people go for dental composite skirts for more beauty and also to match the color and shape of their teeth. The use of composites, in addition to being durable and long-lasting, makes cosmetic dental treatments easier and, as a result, the treatment can be performed in a shorter period of time at a lower cost.
In the following, we will review and introduce dental composite, and we will also give some tips about the complications of dental composite, its price, and other issues related to “dental composite”.
One of the types of dental composites is called veneer composite, which is mostly used for aesthetics and is used for front teeth that are spaced apart or that have suffered from lip protrusion. With this beauty tool, the face undergoes significant changes.
Composite veneer treatment beautifies and whitens teeth. Of course, this type of composite is done without any grinding on the tooth; Therefore, with this method, no damage is done to the teeth. Sometimes, this method can also be called immediate orthodontics.
The new generation of beautiful composites, in addition to their high strength, do not have any porosity and give a very good polish, and their lifespan also increases. Veneers are made of tooth-colored materials and correct the color of discolored teeth. Also, they fix teeth problems.
After the doctor’s examination, this paste material is placed on the tooth by the dentist without the need to prepare it in the laboratory, with the help of a very sensitive technique and according to the color of the tooth. Then, lights with a specific wavelength are shone on it, which strengthens the material and after polishing, it gets a shape similar to the texture and shape of the tooth
In short, the dental composite process takes place in 6 steps:
- Before anything, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned to prepare a clean, calculus-free surface for placing the composite.
- After cleaning the teeth, they are completely dry and clean; So that there are no traces of moisture, blood and saliva on the teeth.
- In the next step, using acidic materials, they make the front surface of the tooth porous. This work is very effective in sticking the composite veneer. By making the surface of the tooth porous, everything is prepared for the placement of the composite.
- At this stage, special glue is applied on the surface of the tooth. Then, the composite paste material is gently placed on it. The amount of material has been changed so much that the desired result is obtained.
- The dentist activates and hardens the uses by using a light beam that has a special wavelength and irradiating it to the veneer composite.
- Finally, the appropriate and desired shape of the tooth is made by polishing the composite.
How to care for composite teeth
You can prolong the life of composite teeth by observing the following points:
- Brush your teeth regularly.
It is better to use dental floss; Because the toothbrush alone does not have the ability to clean all the spaces between the teeth.
- Note that eating hard food may damage the composite teeth and wear the teeth.
- Brush your teeth after eating foods with colored ingredients such as: tea, coffee and other foods; Because composites, like teeth, have the ability to absorb color and change color. Of course, you should absolutely avoid consuming these substances for 48 hours after the composite.
- Use the mouthwash recommended by the dentist; Because some mouthwashes may change the color of composites.
- Avoid using tobacco such as cigarettes, pipes and hookahs; Because they can affect the color of the composite.
- In order to check and examine the teeth, visit the dentist at the recommended time intervals.