Showing all 4 results

Afagh Clinic

dental implants are widely used in the world today to replace missing teeth. Iran is one of the best destinations in the world that can be done with the highest quality and the less expensive price and in the shortest time dental implants. Quality guarantee is given to all patients by Iranian medical centers.

(2 customer reviews)

Omid Hospital

Openheart surgery is any type of surgery where the chest is cut open and surgery is performed on the muscles, valves, or arteries of the heart.


Treata Hospital

Gastric banding surgery is another method of weight loss that puts a ring on the stomach through the endoscope and reduces the volume of the stomach. Nowadays, due to the existence of more up-to-date techniques such as sleeve and gastric bypass surgery and due to the complications of this operation, physicians are less inclined to perform this surgical method to lose weight. However, this treatment method is also performed in the treatment center.
(1 customer review)

Hashemi Nejad Hospital

Kidney transplantation is one of the most complex medical surgeries that Iran has long been known as one of the kidney transplant centers in the world. Reasonable price and success rate of over 80% of this operation has made Iran the best treatment destination in the world.

(2 customer reviews)