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Mustafa khomeini Hospital

Mammoplasty is used as a method to small and beautify breasts. Medical center …. using new surgical methods gives you the assurance that you have complete satisfaction from performing this surgery in Iran.

(1 customer review)

Erfan Hospital

Mammoplasty is used as a method to small and beautify breasts. Medical center …. using new surgical methods gives you the assurance that you have complete satisfaction from performing this surgery in Iran.
(1 customer review)

Omid Hospital

Surgery is usually the first type of treatment for breast cancer. The type of surgery you have will depend on the type of breast cancer you have. Surgery is usually followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy or, in some cases, hormone or targeted therapies.


Omid Hospital

Most women with ovarian cancer will have some type of surgery to remove the tumor. Depending on the type of ovarian cancer and how advanced it is, you might …


Treata Hospital

Gastric banding surgery is another method of weight loss that puts a ring on the stomach through the endoscope and reduces the volume of the stomach. Nowadays, due to the existence of more up-to-date techniques such as sleeve and gastric bypass surgery and due to the complications of this operation, physicians are less inclined to perform this surgical method to lose weight. However, this treatment method is also performed in the treatment center.
(1 customer review)

Omid Hospital

Gastric sleeve is the removal of a portion of the stomach. Weight loss may take longer than with gastric bypass. In a gastric bypass, a small gastric pouch is created and the small bowel is re-routed. It’s more invasive than the sleeve due to the rerouting of the small bowel.
