Package Details
Clinic Stay
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Description Package
In International Department This Health Center we provide Plastic surgeries in a package that has been described below in details:
1. Costs for physician
2. Costs for anesthesiologist
3. Costs for operation room
4. Costs for laboratory
5. Costs for medicine and equipment
6. Costs for residence in ward
7. Costs for patient’s companions
8. Costs for meals(breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for patient and one of his companions
9. Costs for transfer from hospital to patient’s residence place
10. Costs for nursing services
In the packages provided, we have tried to calculate the maximum price of the service and most likely you will not be charged more.
In the event of unexpected complications that result in staying more, for a period of two days in the normal ward and one day in the intensive care unit, you will not be charged any additional costs.Read More
Special services
Question and Answer
You may feel sore for 2 to 3 weeks. You also may feel pulling or stretching in your breast area. Although you may need pain medicine for a week or two, you can expect to feel better and stronger each day. For several weeks, you may get tired easily or have less energy than usual.
One of the most significant advantages of weight loss after breast reduction surgery. Most women report feeling much more capable of exercising and maintaining their weight after the operation. It’s common for women to lose between 10 and 20 pounds in the months following surgery.
Breast reduction, like breast enhancement, involves incisions in the skin. Scars are inevitable with any surgery, including breast reduction. But this doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily be stuck with significant scarring. There are ways to reduce the appearance of scars during and after surgery.
Examine your breasts, and may take detailed measurements of their size and shape, skin quality, placement of your nipples and areolas. Take photographs for your medical record. Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment.
Most patients have a permanent reduction of breast size after surgery. Although not common, on occasion breast tissue can grow back after breast reduction. … These patients may notice their breasts enlarge later in life after a pregnancy, starting birth control pills, gaining weight or even undergoing menopause.
Getting Started
Familiarity With Doctors
Dr. Ali Shahabi
Dr. Ali Tabibi
Dr. Alireza Salimi
Dr. Amirhossein Majdi
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