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For Chin Prosthesis Surgery, based on the type of work to be done, Dr. Afshan Shah puts the best specialist, subspecialist in the team.
Dr. Ashan Shah
Dr. Afshan Shah is one of the most well-known experts in the field of cosmetic surgery consultation services in Iran, with more than 5,000 thousand successful cosmetic surgery consultations in the fields of abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, liposuction, BBL, hair transplant, rhinoplasty, to beauty seekers. Shah works as the head of surgical teams in cooperation with the most skilled surgeons in the field of cosmetic surgery. By consulting with Dr. Afshan Shah, you can guarantee the quality of your cosmetic services.
Features of the doctor
Description Package
In International Department This Health Center we provide Plastic surgeries in a package that has been described below in details:
1. Costs for physician
2. Costs for anesthesiologist
3. Costs for operation room
4. Costs for laboratory
5. Costs for medicine and equipment
6. Costs for residence in ward
7. Costs for patient’s companions
8. Costs for meals(breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for patient and one of his companions
9. Costs for transfer from hospital to patient’s residence place
10. Costs for nursing services
In the packages provided, we have tried to calculate the maximum price of the service and most likely you will not be charged more.
In the event of unexpected complications that result in staying more, for a period of two days in the normal ward and one day in the intensive care unit, you will not be charged any additional costs.
During the stay, if symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and pain lead to prolonged admission, additional costs will not be imposed on you.
Facilities of the ward rooms conclude:
1. Patient’s bed
2. Bed sofas for patient’s companions
3. TV
4. Kettle
5. Daily services for tea, coffee, and fruit
6. Rest room and its equipment
7. Refrigerator
The time of discharging is midday)12(, but if you do not leave the hospital room until midnight after discharge, additional charges will not be calculated for you.
Question and Answer
Improve facial harmony by bringing chin into better proportion with other features. Correct a weak or recessed chin. Improve definition of the neck and jawline. Help reduce the appearance of a full or “double” chin caused by a small chin bone.
A day before the scheduled chin implant surgery, the patient should wash their hair thoroughly to help minimize infection risks. They should refrain from consuming alcohol for at least 48 hours prior to the surgery. They should rest well and sleep early on the night before the surgery.
Normal activities may be resumed 48 hours after surgery but NO straining or strenuous aerobic activities for 1 week. Avoid activities in which there could be a blow to the chin for 4-6 weeks. 2. Limit talking, laughter, and mouth movement as much as possible for the first 3 days.
If you have a naturally small chin or if your facial features feel out of proportion, a chin implant can help you gain confidence about your appearance. In addition, chin enhancement can also have these benefits: Reduce the appearance of a double chin. Improve facial harmony by bringing balance to the nose and chin.
Diet: You should drink clear liquids immediately following your surgery. The day after surgery, you should begin slowly advancing to a solid diet, starting with bland foods. If you experience any nausea or vomiting, resume a clear diet for another 24 hours.
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