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Omid Hospital

Radiotherapy is a treatment where radiation is used to kill cancer cells. When radiotherapy is used. Radiotherapy may be used in the early stages of cancer …

Moheb mehr Hospital

PCNL is One of the most advanced closed surgery methods in the treatment of kidney stones. The presence of advanced equipment and high skill of the surgeon in this method is very important in increasing the success rate of treatment. Iranian urological surgeons are one of the most skilled surgeons in the treatment of kidney stones with PCNL.

(2 customer reviews)

Omid Hospital

Dialysis is a procedure to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys stop working properly. It often involves diverting blood to a machine to be cleaned.

Omid Hospital

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment where medicine is used to kill cancer cells. There are many different types of chemotherapy medicine, but they all work in a similar way. They stop cancer cells reproducing, which prevents them from growing and spreading in the body.